Laboratory for Cybersecurity and Information Integrity
Carring out internationally recognized scientific research and offering research-education on cybersecurity

Research topics
Biometrics and
related studies
Improving biometric authentication by using physical and behavioural human traits
Cyber Defense and Human Language Processing
Combating misinformation from a range of semantic signals, including speech, text and image
Federated Learning for
Data Privacy
Decentralization of artificial Intelligence models by enabling efficient training and inference on edge devices to foster data privacy
Laboratory for Cybersecurity and Information Integrity
Located at the Centre for Energy, Materials and Telecommunications of INRS, LACSII researchers are developing new tools to foster cybersecurity and information integrity from the perspective of recent developments of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Prof. Anderson Avila
Assistant Professor at INRS-EMT and member of the INRS-UQO Joint Research Unit in Cybersecurity, Prof. Anderson Avila is the scientifique head of the LACSII.
INRS-UQO Joint Research Unit in Cybersecurity
The Joint Research Units (UMRs) was created to consolidate interuniversity research and innovation clusters across Québec (particularly outside urban areas) through joint projects by the
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) and five partner universities from the Université du Québec (UQ) network. The Joint Research Unit at INRS-UQO is focused on cybersecurity.

Prof. Anderson Avila, INRS-EMT
Scientific head of the LACSII
Biometrics robustness, information integrity and data privacy

Prof. Stephane Bouchard, UQO
Scientific head of the UQO Cyberpsychology Lab
Virtual reality in the treatment of specific flight phobias and efficacy in telepsychotherapy

Prof. Tiago H. Falk, INRS-EMT
Scientific head of the MusaeLab
Multimedia communications, biomedical signal processing and analysis, knowledge discovery

Prof. Raphaël Khoury, UQO
Professor at UQO
Computer security, Static and dynamic software analysis, Software verification

Prof. Zakaria A. E. Houda, INRS-EMT
Assistant Professor at INRS
Machine/deep learning for intrusion detection systems

Prof. Alan Davoust, UQO
Professor at UQO
Distributed systems, Social machines

Join our team!
We are now inviting applications for two scholarships in cybersecurity.
If interested please send your CV with a list of
publications. We will contatct you as soon as possible.
Ongoing Projects and Collaborations
Social, technological, and pedagogical innovation at the heart of funded projects

List of Publications
We have a number of relevant publications on cybersecurity and related areas. To check the full list, please, click the button bellow.
Downloads our Softwares
We already produced many a number of softwares for on cibersecurity and biometries. Feel free to download and test it clickind the button bellow.