Prof. Anderson Avila
Assistant Professor at INRS-EMT, working in the INRS-UQO Joint Research Unit in Cybersecurity. His research background is on machine learning and signal processing applied to natural language processing. During his PhD, Dr. Avila worked on the development of new models for speech quality assessment and on the robustness of voice biometrics.
Before he was a researcher scientist in natural language and speech processing, working on projects related to model compression, low-latency and robustness of spoken language understanding.

Nasim Soltani
Short bio: BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University and Payame Noor University, respectively. Currently pursuing her PhD at INRS-EMT.
Research topic: Collaborative fairness and robustness in Federated Learning

Shafi Ullah Khan
Short bio: BSc and MSc in Electrical Engineering, respectively at University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, int Pakistan, and University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan. Currently pursuing her PhD at INRS-EMT.
Research topic: Voice biometrics robustness

Tien T. Nguyen
Short bio: Computer Science student at Aix-Marseille University. Currently working as a part-time intern at INRS-EMT. Currently working as a part-time intern at INRS-EMT.
Research topic: Model compression in Federated Learning

Matheus Simão Caixeta
Short bio: BSc in Computer Science at FATEC-SP with specialization in Data Science. Currently working as a part-time intern at INRS-EMT.
Research topic: Keystroke dynamics in Federated Learning

Guillaume Bordeleau
Short bio: 2nd-year Computer Science student at Polytechnique Montréal. Former intern at INRS-EMT (summer 2023).
Research topic: Improving knowledge representation to mitigate misinformation.

Angela Wang
Short bio: 4th-year Bioengineering student at McGill University. Former intern at INRS-EMT (summer 2023).
Research topic: Voice biometrics robustness for emotional speech.

Franz Acclassato
Short bio: 2nd-year Electrical Engineering student at Polytechnique Montréal. Former intern at INRS-EMT (summer 2023).
Research topic: Group fairness in Federated Learning.